My background is as varied as the photos that I take. I’ve trained and worked as a software engineer, a massage therapist, an English teacher in Vietnam, a photo restoration artist (which is how I learned Photoshop) and most recently I ran a small software business with my husband for which I was published in numerous books and magazines, appeared on PBS television, created designs for fabric, quilts and machine embroidery and won awards for some of my quilts. It should come as no surprise that I am intensely curious about life and love to learn new things.
Since 2017 I’ve put that same creative passion into my photography. I believe that photography can change the way we see and interact with the world around us. Some people may think that I hide behind the camera, but I feel that I experience the world in a much more intimate way when I am creating a composition in my viewfinder. In those moments distractions disappear, my mind focuses and I am fully present. It is just me and my camera capturing a moment in time that might otherwise go unnoticed.
My mission in life is to inspire others on their creative journeys through documenting my own photographic explorations. I am blessed to live in the Rocky Mountain foothills outside of Fort Collins, Colorado and volunteer my time as a photographer for Larimer County Natural Resources. Several of my photos have been featured in their calendars since 2019 and one of my unique photos of Horsetooth Mountain hangs in the offices of the CSU Foundation.